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Study the Epistles daily with Pastor Rick

Did you know that there are 27 books in the new testament and 260 chapters total? The epistles or letters are Romans through Jude. The letters are to me the heart and soul of the new testament, tremendous spiritual growth can happen with the letters. There are 21 letters or books as we call them, they have a total of 121 chapters. So then if you read 1 chapter from the letters a day , you will read the letters ( Romans through Jude ) 3 times in one year!!  I am telling you this will bring spiritual growth to your life! So let's get started! We will start with Galatians chapter 1 and proceed. Each day I will have a  comment for each chapter. I encourage you to say a quick prayer first, and then ask God for wisdom and understanding, then be prepared to write in your Bible or mark in your electronics. Hey, you won't understand it all the first time and you might miss a day, just resume the next day , once we get back to Galatians it starts over again, just STAY at it !! If you have any questions please ! You can ask me at church, phone or email.

Listen! Once again! This will help you!-- guaranteed!!!

  • cbtricia2007

“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you” 2 Peter 2:1

Mathew 24:4-5 says, “And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.”

The New Testament warns us multiple times of deception. I am not trying to scare you, but there are false doctrines and deceptions around us . This is why it’s so important for you to read and study, especially the New Testament . The Bible speaks of strange doctrine and sound doctrine. But the Holy Spirit is identified as the spirit of truth, and the Bible is called the word of truth. Let’s keep studying, and let the Holy Spirit teach us the word of truth. Remember God is not the author of confusion, but of peace! 1 Corinthians 14:33

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  • cbtricia2007

“Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ”  2 Peter 1:1

Notice how Peter, the man who walked with Jesus, who healed the sick, who led thousands to salvation, cast out demons, who raised the dead, whose shadow it’s says even healed the sick, identified himself.  A "servant."  Yes, an apostle, but first “a servant."

Folks, we were saved to serve our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His people. Let’s not worry about titles or positions, but let’s focus on being the best servants we can. Let the Lord promote us when he pleases!

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  • cbtricia2007

Wow!  This chapter has so many truths.  Please read it slowly, and let the Holy Spirit speak to you.

“Feed the flock of God which is among you”

That’s the first sentence of verse 2 from the KJV.  This verse always reminds me of Pastor John Osteen. He was my pastor in the early 80's.  Pastor Osteen would always say, “We feed the sheep.  We don’t beat the sheep!”  This is such a great truth!  Church should be a place where we are spiritually fed and encouraged. Sometimes church should also challenge us to live Godly and avoid sin. We don’t “beat the sheep” even then.  A pastor should lead, feed and guide!  Pastor Osteen led thousands and thousands to the Lord.  He did this primarily with preaching the “Good News” of the Gospel. I never saw a angry spirit on him. I guess that’s why he was known as a Pastor of Pastors.

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