Read 1 Corinthians Chapter 11
In Verses 2-16, Paul discusses women and hair. This is one of those “what’s this about God chapters". First of all, Paul uses the word “traditions" in verse 2 and the word “customs” in verse 16. Sometimes it is important to understand the customs and traditions taking place at the time of writing.
Also the Corinthian's culture history tells us that women wore headdresses as a symbol of submission to their husbands. But what is the meaning of all this? Let’s look at verse 3: “But there is one thing I want you to know: The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” So the husband and not just any man is the head of the wife. Now, in no way does this mean that a husband is to dominate the wife. I absolutely believe a husband and wife should work together, that they should yield to each other. My wife, Lisa, has certainly had the right answers at times in our marriage, and I yielded to her! But the husband should be the
“SPIRITUAL LEADER” of the family. Wives want their husbands to show the initiative with spiritual matters. And men, God will hold us accountable for it! God always has a leader and someone to follow. Let’s follow Gods plan, and men let’s be the spiritual leaders God and our wives want us to be!!