This is a famous Bible chapter and many can relate to what Paul says in verses 14-25. I recommend reading The New Living Translation (NLT) for these verses!
I too drew comfort the first time I read these verses. I could so relate to wanting to do the right thing but instead doing the wrong. Over the years I began to realize that’s not where God or Paul meant for us to stay. I mean really, these verses don’t really indicate a peaceful state of mind! Let’s look at the 1st verse of Chapter 8 which is a continuation of Chapter 7. It says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, (who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”) You see folks, those verses in Chapter 7 are consoling, but really they are a picture of someone walking in the flesh or old nature. God wants us to walk in the spirit where we have peace of mind and the ability to conquer sin from our lives. Yes, sometimes I find myself back feeling like Chapter 7, but I choose not to stay there! I make decision to read the Word and pray and praise. It may not happen that day, but if I keep at it I always find peace. Let this be forever settled. God has called us to peace!!!